We Deliver Results
Our team of experienced educators, dedicated psychologists, language therapists, social workers and psychotherapsists, provide a variety of service packages to our families.
Whether parents request a one-hour consultation, specific intervention or full-case management, we are here to address those specific concerns and move towards success.
Support Packages & Options
Offered in-office or online
One-Hour Consultation
Consultation and planning session with our Educational Director
Academic Intervention
All remediation sessions are offered in English & French, from pre-K-CEGEP. Options include:
Reading Remediation, Speech & language therapy, Occupational therapy
Math, Science, Exam prep, Organization, Time Management, Note-taking Skills
Behaviour Intervention
Behavior Intervention Plan and Follow up
Communication and feedback to school team
COGMED Working Memory, Brain Training
Cogmed is an evidence-based program, that is scientifically proven
Enhances working memory and attention deficits
Improves academic skills and performance
Ensures long-lasting results
Early Intervention
Academic screening & intervention sessions
Communication and feedback to school team
Assessments & Evaluations
Screening and Academic Evaluations
Psychological Evaluations
Psychoeducational Assessments
Communication and feedback provided to the school team
Therapy - Children, Teens & Adults
Individual, Couples & family
Support groups
Art, Drama, Play therapy
Health & Wellness
Mindfullness and meditation training
Support groups
Nutrition Consultation